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Department settings are used to divide agents into their respective divisions or specialties. This allows for more structured organization and grouping of agents based on specific functional areas, responsibilities or expertise.

Using department settings, you can create separate departments or teams. Each department can have a specific responsibility or focus for dealing with tickets or customer requests.

Add Department

  1. Click the plus icon to add a data department.

    add department data

  2. Provide the name and description department.

    fill department

  3. Click save to confirm changes.

Update Department

  1. Click the horizontal dots icons to the chosen department.

    select chosen department

  2. Select edit option.

    select edit option

  3. Update name or description department.

    update name or description department

  4. Click save to save any changes.

Remove Department

  1. Click the horizontal dots icons to the chosen department.

    select chosen department

  2. Select delete option.

    select delete option

  3. Click confirm to delete department.

    confirm delete department

Add Department's Member

  1. Click the plus icon to the chosen department.

    select chosen department

  2. Select member data

    select member data

  3. Click save to add member to chosen department.

Remove Department's Member

  1. Click the department you want to remove members from.

    select department's member

  2. Click the horizontal dots icons in table's member to the chosen member, then select delete option.

    select chosen department's member

    select delete option

  3. Click confirm to remove the member from the department.

    confirm delete member