Webchat Integration
To integrate Webchat into your Omnichannel dashboard, follow these steps :
Open the channel menu, then select Webchat. Click the plus icon (+).
Fill in the name, description of the webchat, and the widget you want to display. Then click the “Integrate” button.
(optional) click allow greeting. Fill in the greeting message, greeting button, then click “Integrate” button.
Then you just need to copy and paste the existing widget into your website inside the body tag. Then click “Integrate” and webchat has been integrated.
To do testing, you can click the URL link in the red box above the widget code and you will be directed to the webchat workspace.
You can start chatting with the agent through the webchat.
Check on the omni dashboard, got to the app menu then the chat section, if your message comes in, the integration is going well.