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The dashboard menu provides a concise daily real-time report of activity occurring in the Omnichannel workspace when accessed by the user.


Ticket Status

Total Tickets

The "Total Tickets" section displays data on the overall number of tickets received through the Omnichannel each day, categorized into Total, New, Open, Hold, and Solved tickets.

New Tickets

The "New Tickets" section displays data on the number of tickets with a "New" status that are received through the Omnichannel each day.

Open Tickets

The "Open Tickets" section displays data on the number of tickets with an "Open" status that are being handled through the Omnichannel each day.

Hold Tickets

Hold tickets are data on the number of tickets with a “Hold” status carried out on the omnichannel per day.

Unassigned Tickets

The unassigned ticket data refers to the number of tickets that have not yet been assigned to a specific agent for handling.

Solved Tickets

The "Solved Tickets" section provides data on the number of tickets with a "Solved" status that were resolved on the Omnichannel per day.

Online Agents

The "Online Agents" feature is a data list that displays all agents who are currently available and online in the Omnichannel workspace.

Service Level Agreement

The SLA report provides a comprehensive overview of the performance of the Help Desk team in meeting the service level expectations of the customers. It includes metrics such as ART (Average Response Time), AHT (Average Handle Time), SLA In, and SLA Out for all incoming tickets per day.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a metric that measures customer satisfaction by gathering feedback given by customers on a daily basis.

The Ticket Trends section displays a graph that shows the number of tickets that enter the workspace per hour throughout the day, allowing you to identify peak hours and adjust agent schedules accordingly.

Today's Popular Channels displays the number of tickets that enter the workspace per day from each integrated channel, providing insight into which channels are most frequently used by customers.